Sunday, December 19, 2021

Diamine Inkvent Calendar Day 19


Day 19 is another Advent-appropriate color--purple, although purple in Advent is not "Festive Joy," which is the name of this color. Still. I drew an Advent wreath to go alongside some grapes.

Then I decided to embellish it with "Raspberry Rose," "Candle Light," and "Garland"--something I've largely resisted until now!

I noticed in the swatch that there seemed to be a slight sheen, but I couldn't quite tell the color.

It actually seems to be a gold...

...and it is a bit metallic!

Ending today with even more festive cheer!

1 comment:

David Reed said...

Yeah, I noticed an unadvertised gold sheen to Festive Joy, too. It compliments the ink nicely, I think.