Wednesday, July 4, 2007

It should come as no surprise. . .

Really. It shouldn't surprise anyone that I feel the way I do about children and daycare. Because it's tough to juggle schedules. It's tougher some days than others, but there are definite challenges involved with bringing children places--especially places that are not child-friendly. Academic departments, for example. It would be infinitely simpler to relegate them to the care of others--sure! So there has to be a reason that I do what I do, no? A reason that I have not seen affirmed by any of the theories or ideologies promoted in academia. So I might as well write about my ideals before I have to compromise them at some point down the line. I dread the semester when I can't make it work. So far, admittedly, I've been lucky. But then, I've had only one baby at a time. Still, I will avoid it for as long as I can, and I will keep them in child care for as few hours a week as I can manage (which academia does allow), when and if the time comes. It's a conscious choice, and like most conscious choices, it does involve judgment of the alternative options (as the homeschooling parents out there know, right? ;) ).


Entropy said...

These posts and comments have been very interesting. I like what you said before in the comments that feminism has basically pushed one choice more than another.

I do not call myself a feminist. It's a title that carries with it too much baggage for me. Feminists just seem terribly selfish to me. I am glad that women have the choice to work rather than being forced to stay home, although now many women feel forced to work and unable to stay home. That sort of defeats the purpose of 'choice.'

I so agree with other comments saying that more people need to understand children better and what is acceptable behavior for them.

I hope you can find a place in academia that accepts your decision to have family. Maybe your example with inspire someone else to bring their kids to work as well!

Literacy-chic said...

Thanks! My hopes for academia wax and wane. At the moment, the very communication problems I've been experiencing here seem to represent my largest obstacle--making people really understand what I'm trying to say.