Sunday, July 22, 2007

Prayer Request Update

I learned a little while ago that my mom and brother have returned safely to New Orleans, but that the house is much, much worse than feared, with moldy ceilings falling down or sagging in most rooms and saturated carpets. On a suggestion that someone emailed to me (thank you for your thoughtfulness!), I have put a button on the side of the blog in case anyone would like to or be able to make a donation that I could send to her to help out. Anything would be appreciated, prayers most of all!! Thanks to those who have already offered their prayers.


chrisa511 said...

All of you will continue to be in my prayers...I'm going to try to help out as much as I can. I just really hope that some ray of light comes shining through here...I promise you she has someone here who can help her out whenever time allows it ;)

Literacy-chic said...

I know, Chris. Thank you so much for being there for her--for all of us!!