Thursday, April 10, 2008


I've taken the post down. So all of you perverts who find my blog by doing Google searches for "sexy breastfeeding breasts," etc., can just go the heck away!!! I'm sure my number of hits will be cut in half now. But until then, shame on you!!!


Maria said...

huh. wish I'd read the post now.


LilyBug said...

I'm sorry I missed the post too. I'm sure it was interseting.

LilyBug said...

Wait...was this the older post where you talked about bf as more than functional but also as sexy? That was a great post! I'm sorry to hear that it was taken to be something that it was not.

Literacy-chic said...

Lilybug, you were there. It was the "Breastfeeding Breasts can be Sexy, too" from a long time ago--before Chiclette was born. But you wouldn't BELIEVE the things people were searching for. Actually, that didn't surprise me. It was more the NUMBER of people looking for erotic lactation pics. Actually, one of the points I made in the post was that the woman who had the pics taken down by myspace should be glad that no perverts were getting thrills from her feeding her baby. :P Icky.

But for a reminder, or for Maria, here's the genesis of the conversation:

My comment is waaaaay down, responding to this assertion:

"I think it's sad that when women become mothers they stop valuing their bodies and see themselves only as dairy cows."

In response to my "sexy" post, Jen started a discussion about whether sexiness is a good goal:

So that's the story, in a nutshell.

Sarah Reinhard said...

I liked that post!

Nasty, bad perverts. Makes me angry that you can't just have a bleeping conversation without weirdos inserting themselves into something beautiful and making it profane.

Ah, well. Such is life, I spose. But it was still a great post.