Thursday, May 3, 2007

Momma & Baby "Stuff"

The great thing about having recently had a baby is that I have most of the baby essentials pretty much covered (especially if this next one is a girl!) Now, there are things that will have to be replaced--I will need a stroller that can accommodate two babies, for example! And I will probably want a new carseat, since the one I have only holds a baby up to 20 lbs or so and is a bit smaller than some of the current models. I will want one of the carrier varieties that is a bit larger so that I don't have to worry about another carseat until the baby is actually a year old. Hopefully, big sister will be ready for a smaller, booster-style by then, and we won't have to attach big brother to the luggage rack! So to make up for the fact that I have most of the basics covered, there are a number of things that I found that I would have loved to have with the last one, that I will probably be buying in increments while I wait for number 3! So I'm listing these so that I won't forget, and so that other parents can see the cool stuff that is out there to make our lives easier! I confess--I love baby gadgets!

Baby Shopping List

Duo stroller
Infant seat that holds up to 30 lbs
Crib futon (for the toddler bed, actually)
Nurse-N-Glow Lighted Nursing Pillow -or- The Nursing Nest (anyone have a favorite?)
Electronic Nasal Aspirator!!!
And one of those thermometers that takes a reading off of the forehead.

Actually, that's the list right now. I will also be buying more babyproofing things for the apartment, since the toddler will be able to roam pretty freely. For example:

Baby gates for either side of the walk-through kitchen
Door knob protectors (thinking of Anastasia's post)
Knob covers for the stove (if the knobs are on the front)
Power strip safety covers

And of course, I have my own list:

Momma Shopping List

Nursing Patterns: dress pattern, nursing twinset pattern
Sling Pattern
All manner of Earth Mama Angel Baby Products!
And look at this cool alternative to a hospital gown! (I won't buy this one--kinda frivolous)

I have already bought a very cute batik print to make the sling--it's creamy with light hints of greeny-blues, and has a purplish vine-pattern on it. I'm excited about it! I also bought a pattern to make a cute purse that will coordinate, but it has enough pockets & flaps and compartments to accommodate diapers & wipes--just a small to-go bag. There are other baby carrier patterns that interest me, too. Here are a couple with directions online:

Beth's Man Tai (silly name)
Mae Mei Tai

And here's an article about someone who's had almost as much trouble with baby carriers as I have! Clearly, the second trimester is here and I'm getting into baby-mode. Now if only I didn't have to grade, write, and prepare for a class that starts May 29th. Oh! And move! Anyone got a truck? ;)


Ray said...

On the double stroller... go to Babies 'R Us and try them out. Have your soon-to-be-not-the-youngest-anymore child sit in the front seat, and see which stroller is easiest to maneuver.

We have a Graco duo-glider and like it very much. Other friends have the Jeep stroller, which seems to work well also.

Literacy-chic said...

Thanks for the tip, Ray! We looked at the Sit 'n Stand at Target and were not overly impressed, though the concept seems neat. It looked complicated & felt cheap. I welcome any other feedback from people who have double strollers! I bought a new stroller that folds very compactly before finding out I was pregnant, but I guess the days of back-of-the-vehicle space are numbered! :P

John said...

Have you seen "My Brest Friend?" It's a pretty cool nursing pillow for when you are nursing from a sitting position. The website is

By the way, the lighted nursing pillow looks great! You would know that it can be quite challenging nursing a baby in the middle of the night with no light!


Literacy-chic said...

I've always rather wondered if the "My Brest Friend" was any different from the Boppy, when all is said & done. It looks like it operates according to the same principle. I just never remember to use a pillow when I'm sitting up. Instead, I end up nursing with gorilla posture and hurting my back! I'll have to work on that with the next one...

CMinor said...

My gosh...they have electronic aspirators now??
I feel like such a fossil.

I'm a sling purist myself. Never been much for the mei tai style carrier for babies, although I did have a rugged canvas with buckling nylon straps mei tai style toddler side carrier that was a boon when I had two walking kids under 3. Not sure if it's still being made.

Literacy-chic said...

I'm really excited about the electronic aspirator! It says the baby barely realizes you're doing anything before it's done! And the way I had to hold my poor little girl down & make her scream (and generate more snot) to clear her nose... I just have to get it!!

I'm curious about the mei tai. I would like to try it out with my toddler--I wanted one today so that I could have let her see what we were doing while we were packing & straightening things. I think a sling would be best for a little baby, and if I can get the baby used to it early, I think I will be able to use it for a while... Anyway, I've decided that I will make a few this time instead of buying & then selling again on eBay!! This trial-and-error can get expensive!