Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Veggie Proto-Eucharistic Tales

That title didn't get you, did it? ;)

So recently, the baby daughter has been interested in television--too interested in television, perhaps, except that her interest is really limited to music. She loves Sesame Street's musical skits--we don't actually watch the shows, as I have serious problems with the "new, improved" Sesame Street for the young generations. Instead, I have classic Sesame Street dvds (of the first few seasons) with "classic cuts"--that is, just the cool musical parts everyone loves. We also have Sesame Street videos from when my son was younger, before every dvd & video had to be Elmo-themed. Now we have the tyranny of Elmo!!

But I'm talking about Veggie Tales. When my son was younger, we collected the Veggie Tales videos. We first got hooked on the "Silly Songs," and expanded from there. We stopped about the time of "King George and the Ducky." For any who aren't familiar with Veggie Tales, they are animated vegetables who perform various moral tales, some biblical stories, all Bible-based. They are nondenominational Christian vegetables (though the creators chose to include only Old Testament stories, presumably to leave them open for all Judeo-Christian vieweres, though the Bible verse at the end is usually New Testament). The production value is good--rare for Christian children's productions--and the music is particularly stimulating. The silly songs are really the best--they provide a brief intermission in the tape, which usually included 2 episodes (I suspect the dvds are structured differently, but as the creators no longer have control, I refuse to upgrade to the dvds.)

There have always been some problems with the Veggie Tales versions of Bible stories--a misinterpretation of the stories, or the show's "fun" element rather took away from the story or promoted well, gluttony in the case I'm thinking of. In another case, there was a watering down of "mature themes" that wasn't appropriate for children's tapes, even in their watered-down form. In the case of 'King George and the Ducky," King George (read David) covets the *ahem* rubber ducky of one of his soldiers, and sends the soldier--a child vegetable character--to the front lines to be disposed of. The soldier does not die, but instead contracts a pie-induced version of shell-shock. To me, this was pretty much the last straw. They clearly went off the deep end in too many ways. Perhaps this was the beginning of their legal troubles. The earlier tales are much better.

Even among the "good" ones, though, I had some problems. Case in point (and the real subject of this post) is "Josh and the Big Wall." I remember singing songs in Protestant Sunday School about Joshua and the battle of Jericho. (I always liked the songs.) Even before becoming Catholic--in fact, dating back to my earliest introduction to Veggie Tales (through an Evangelical Protestant friend of my mom's), I had issues with this one. . . You see, the Veggies are reenacting the Isrealites' flight from Egypt. Moses has just died, and they are able to enter the Promised Land. The creators (of the show) took the phrase "a land flowing with milk & honey" and ran with it. The Isrealite Veggies are singing about all of the decadent things they will eat in the Promised Land--tacos, pintos 'n cheese, waffles; when they get to the city, slushies abound, and are the means of attack on the Isrealites by the people of Jericho.

When we reached a temporary Jim Henson saturation point the other day, I brought out the Silly Song sing-alongs, one of which includes the "Promised Land" song from "Josh and the Big Wall." We haven't really watched Veggie Tales since I became Catholic & we all started attending Mass regularly--except during my son's First Reconciliation "retreat" (or whatever), which featured "God Wants Me to Forgive Them?", slightly modified for church consumption. (It didn't really fit.) So my husband and I were groaning over the "Promised Land" song over the weekend, and it occurred to me that from a Catholic perspective, the following line is particularly grievous:

For years, we've eaten nothing but manna,
A dish that is filling, but bland...

So they put all that behind them in order to pig out in the Promised Land.

Well, the first thing I noticed as a convert, or as one who desired the Eucharist and was moving toward a conversion, were the Eucharistic and Proto-Eucharistic references throughout the Bible--Old Testament and New Testament--which go way beyond the account of the Last Supper. Manna, as God-given bread, is a striking example, and prepared for the Bread of Life: Christ's gift of Himself in the Eucharist. So beyond the fact that the video portrays a serious lack of gratitude for the fact that God has sustained the Isrealites through 40 years in the desert, there is the further disparagement of the heavenly bread that is a promise of the Gift of Christ (in) and the Eucharist.

Now, I am not going to go so far as to say that this was intentional (though if you look closely, the manna does look a bit like hosts). But it is a grave oversight on a couple of levels. Even non-Catholics should have a problem with the fact that the source of the humor is lack of gratitude and greed. Not exactly the values we want to promote. Some might take offense because of the caricature of the Isrealites. I think this is mostly innocent. And it will certainly not stop me from watching Veggie Tales--at least the good ones. But it is a caution to realize that non-denominational, even in the best possible sense, does not necessarily mean Catholic-sensitive. I mean, really--the Eucharist? Bland??


Melanie Bettinelli said...

Thanks for this. I've enjoyed the Veggie Tales shows that I've seen (my nephews are big fans); but have always been a bit bothered by the adaptations of the Bible stories. You really pinpointed for me exactly where the problems are.

I think your approach is a good one. I also think that even the more problematic episodes like the Jericho episode could be used with older kids who are already familiar with the Bible story precisely to draw out some of the problems. Sometimes looking at the faults of a poor adaptation can lead more easily into discussion about the real meaning of the story. Why is it a problem that they changed that detail?

In fact, I've had to bite my tongue a couple of times to prevent myself from hijacking a family gathering, putting on my teacher hat and leading a discussion about the problems in the video we just watched.

Melanie Bettinelli said...

Ok, I just thought about this a little more.

Manna might be a proto-Eucharistic image, but that doesn't change the fact that in Exodus, the Israelites were ungrateful. They did complain and think it tasted bland. And doesn't that sound familiar? We never complain about being bored at mass, do we? If you think about it, the Eucharist is bland, if we judge merely by taste. It's only amazing, if you see with the eyes of faith.

The Israelites weren't grateful for the miraculous gift God gave them. They wanted more. How often are we ungrateful for the Eucharist and other sacraments? how often do I spend my time at mass grumbling and complaining about the music, about other people's dress, about anything and everything, instead of being grateful for the amazing gift that I am receiving?

Literacy-chic said...

Thanks, Melanie! I had forgotten the detail. Yes, I knew the Isrealites were ungrateful, but I didn't realize that the manna was a specific target of their ungratefulness. I guess the real problem, then, is that the ungratefulness is never treated as such--children can assume that the Isrealites' attitude toward food is perfectly appropriate and justified. Good parallels to taking the Sacraments for granted! And yes, I was thinking about "bland" in terms of spiritual significance when I asked my final question! After all, it's not our taste buds that are at stake, here! ;)

Unknown said...

While you may have valid point I think it is important to remember they are catholic views. The manna representing the host is not relevant in other Christian faiths. Therefore the produce may have been unaware of the issue you have raised. I also wish to add what would u prefer your kids to watch Veggie Tales or maybe some Japanese cartoon where they are killing each other.
As Christians no mater what your denomination we must stop criticising each other we get enough of that from the secular world.