Saturday, May 24, 2008

Dollies, revisited

I've heard of it before, but I've never seen it. I'm not sure I entirely believed that children did it. Doodle breastfed her babydoll (named "Baby B. . .") this morning. Very seriously, very discretely, very affectionately, in a "house" (made from my cardboard cutting board) on a bed of pillows. :)


Melanie Bettinelli said...

Isn't it sweet?

Bella is not so discreet or discriminating. She nurses her dolly, yes. But also her bath toys, dolphin and pelican-- with very precise placement of the mouth exactly on her little nipples-- and some of her stuffed animals.

Today while I was nursing Sophia, I watched as she lifted up her shirt and stuck the bunny's head on her chest. She didn't pause to sit down and arrange herself, just stood there near the couch and very matter of factly held the toy to her chest for about 30 seconds or so. Then went on with other playing.

I especially love that a part of her nursing routine is wiping up the "messy" face of her nursling. I guess Sophia does quite a bit of spitting!

Anonymous said...

for some reason, my kid used to make me breastfeed the doll. i mean, she would do it now and then but mostly it was mama, this baby needs nursing, you nurse it with your nurses (her name for my breasts, nurses). I actually kind of like that her name for breasts boils down to that for which breasts were created.

Melanie Bettinelli said...

I wonder, do little boys ever do this? After all at such a young age they don't have much gender differentiation. And while girls do tend more toward nurturing, I know some boys do play with dolls. My 3 year old nephew loves to push his sisters' pink strollers around the house, carry their purses and their dolls, serve people from their tea sets. If his mother were nursing, I could see him imitating that as well.

Literacy-chic said...

It is definitely sweet. So far, an isolated event...

Interesting that your daughter made you nurse the doll for her, Anastasia! And I like the name "nurses" for breasts, too--very smart! I don't like it when children learn to use use slangy terms like "boobs" from their mothers. My daughter doesn't have a name, we kist said "milky"--as in, "do you want some milky?" My little brother said "ti-ti," which was also a little awkward.

Melanie--My mom says now that my youngest brother did it, but I sure don't remember that... I read of boys doing it on a web site with funny nursing stories, which is also where I heard of rather outrageous names for breasts being taught to babies!

mrsdarwin said...

I've seen mine dolly-nurse quite a few times, but only while I'm still nursing. The rest of the time the doll just doesn't eat, I guess. Since we don't have any bottles around the house, we haven't any doll bottle-feeding.

I don't like pop slang terms for breasts either. From very early on we called the act of nursing "noshing", as in, "Are you ready to nosh now?" or "I'll help you in a minute when the baby's done noshing." Now it's a noun as well: the girls use "the noshes" as a term for breasts. Not that we spend much time talking about such things!

Maria said...

there are pictures of me bf-ing my doll when mom would bf my sister.

I've also seen my sisters do it.. and other boys and girls. yes, little boys will too.

I think it's adorable.

and I also think that nurses are a great name for breasts.

Melanie Bettinelli said...

Oh I like "noshing".

I've always just said 'drink milk'. When Bella was nursing and learning to talk, she'd just ask for "milk".
Now Bella says,"Sophia is drinking milk." So far no nouns have emerged.