Friday, January 25, 2008

Yoga is Good

I have to remind myself of this periodically.

So I have this toddler who likes to imitate me when I stretch, shows a natural inclination toward dance, and has good rhythm & coordination. I have been wanting to get my son interested in yoga for years, but he was soured on it when he fell over while I was trying to help him with a pose. :( I bought a Yoga kids 2-pack at Target, and put the "From Silly to Calm" DVD in today, and we (mostly I) did some yoga. Even though it is geared toward 3-6 year olds, I still feel like I had a bit of a workout (sad commentary), and my daughter was interested long enough to try a downward dog--she likes that one, and did it a few times. I have to say, it's one of my favorites. I rather objected when the teacher told the kids to stretch their legs out to the side like a dog marking his territory. Please!! And there were one or two other things. . . Think I could substitute pacem for the sanskrit word shanti (peace)?


Entropy said...

I think I'm too hyper for yoga. I get bored really fast trying to do it. There's a cable channel that shows three women (very fit bare bellied women) doing yoga. It's called Namaste, I think. Anyway, we were flipping through the channels while some friends were over and my daughter says "Hey, Daddy watches this show all the time"

Mmmm hmmm.

Melanie Bettinelli said...

I took a prenatal yoga class when I was expecting Bella and really loved it. I haven't been able to do it this time around and miss it. My back especially misses it. Ouch! I should get out my mat and do some anyway; but I can never seem to get around to it. A good idea to do it with the toddler.

mrsdarwin said...

I have a yoga video that I watched sporadically until I got pregnant. I'm sure I could do it now, as it's pretty low impact, but I'm not sure that I wouldn't get dizzy trying to do downward dog now. :)

Maybe I ought to try, though. I don't remember putting on this much fat so early in other pregnancies...