Saturday, June 30, 2007

A Bath and a Glass of Wine

The latter, of course, is a much more guilty pleasure than the first. To be precise, it was more like half a glass of wine. Really, it could have been a better glass of wine. It is one of the Spanish reds that we return to occasionally--Sangre de Torro, a granacha-carineƱa blend from Catalonia. Vintage is 2004. But I found it uncharacteristically sweet, and the "bite" that I like in a good red was delayed, and further back in the throat than I expected. I like the "bite" to hit more on the tongue. Oddly, it almost tasted like it wanted to become a dessert wine, but hadn't been given the opportunity to do so. I like the granacha (or grenache), but my favorite red is a tempranillo. And my favorite tempranillo right now is Borsao (tempranillo-granacha, actually), which has displaced the Marques de Caceres in our preference (possibly because the vitange we enjoyed is now a reserve!--which happens, I guess, in time. . .). Nevertheless, the effect was a nice one--very calming. Clearly, I don't believe that a small amount of alcohol while pregnant is dangerous. And I so rarely drink wine, don't like beer that much (although I have had a few sips throughout the pregnancy), and drink harder things fewer than once a year, that there is no danger of overindulgence.

I believe wholeheartedly in the wonders of baths, quite separate from mere cleanliness, as I believe I have mentioned at the end of a previous post, as well as in a comment on DarwinCatholic. I am particularly of bubble baths, though I find that adults are supposed to indulge, instead, in fragranced bath "soaks," moisturizing bath "oils," and all manner of other non-foamy perfumed bath experiences that are inferior at best. I have the additional problem that, while I love all manner of bath products, I live in a household with allergy sufferers, and increasingly, with pregnancy especially, highly perfumed bath products irritate my nose also (I attribute this to an increase in the perfume content of the products). When my husband & I were dating, we frequented Bath & Body Works; he is unable to set foot in the place now for fear of an assault on his sinuses. :( I entered alone yesterday however (and he eventually joined me), unable to resist their semi-annual sale. I was able to pick up some more natural products from Couvent des Minimes and C. O. Bigelow, as well as (my personal favorite of yesterday's purchases) a wonderful fragrance that I discovered in their aromatherapy line--Sandalwood Rose. It is a gentle sandalwood that actually reminds me of a certain blend of incense that our former pastor favored for feast days, and it creates a wonderful sense of calm. I found not only a shower gel, but that rare item--a "foaming bath"! I will relish this discovery, and I will sleep well tonight.


Kate said...

I love a good bubblebath! Unfortunately, I rarely have time anymore. But I have a nice bottle of Bath&Body bubble bath that I keep tucked away for those special occasions.

John said...


Melanie Bettinelli said...

I've always been envious of those who enjoy a good soak. I think I would... if I could only find a bathtub big enough for me! One of the curses of being tall is that in an ordinary tub half of me is out of the water at any given time. Not exactly conducive to relaxing. My fondest dream is of one day owning a house and being able to put in a oversized jacuzzzi tub.

Kate said...

My parents put in a huge tub when they built their retirement house - I visited there after having my son and my first thought was "wouldn't that be a great place to labour!" The tub is three feet deep, enough to cover even the largest pregnant belly, and about 5 1/2 feet long.

In contrast, the tub in the house we lived in at the time I was pregnant was about 3 foot long, and about 1 foot deep. In my third trimester I couldn't get my whole belly wet even if I scrunched up my legs and slid down.

Literacy-chic said...

Oooooooh! Forget your Lexus, Mercedes, or BMW--I aspire to such a bathtub one day!!! ;)