Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tagged for the First Time!

(Sounds naughty, doesn't it?) But here it is, and Mrs. Darwin tagged me:

Booked by 3 Meme

Name up to three characters . . .

1) . . . you wish were real so you could meet them.
  1. Treebeard (Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien)
  2. the Jesuit priest from "The Star" by Arthur C. Clarke
  3. Mustapha Mond (Huxley's Brave New World)
2) . . . you would like to be. The hardest part about this is choosing women.
  1. Yavanna, wife of Aulë, creator of the trees Telperion and Laurelin (The Silmarillion by J. R. R. Tolkien)
  2. Elizabeth Dalloway, daughter of Clarissa Dalloway (Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway), but only temporarily. I mean, where was she that day? Besides riding on the top of an omnibus?
  3. the boy (from Forster's "Celestial Omnibus")
At one point I would have written, without hesitation:
  1. Morgaine (from The Mists of Avalon by Marian Zimmer Bradley)
  2. Nicholas or Armand (from The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice)
  3. Dorian Grey (from Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Grey)
My, how people do change!!

3) . . . who scare you.
  1. Duke Ferrara (from "My Last Duchess" by Robert Browning, though he might just be historical...)
  2. Lazarus Long (whom I'd like to meet, but only for conversation!)
  3. Stephen Daedalus (from Joyce's A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man)
These were really, really hard, btw.

I tag:
  1. Chris from Stuff as Dreams are Made On
  2. Entropy from Sphere of Influence
  3. Sarah of Mommy, Ph.D. (whenever she gets a chance!)


chrisa511 said...

Ah! This will be fun though :) I'll do them tomorrow after the internship. Great answers!

Entropy said...

Mine is up. This was so hard!

mrsdarwin said...

Oooh, good answers. I like Forster's boy and Duke Ferrara. Recently we bought a collection of poetry for the girls, and Browning's poem was included. The Duke is a nasty bit of work.

Dr. Peters said...

Thanks for the tag--I'll get to it. I have my hands full of baby at the moment :)

Literacy-chic said...

Not a problem, Sarah! I thought it might take a while, but I was really interested in your answers! Just take care of AB! :)