Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why I don't get things done. . .

I finally have the girls asleep at the same time.

Of course, this happened with less than an hour before I needed to leave the house to pick up my son from school.

So I was thinking about posting my snow pictures to the family blog.

Snow pictures reminded me that it's snowing in New Orleans. So I thought maybe I should call my mom and see how she and my brother are enjoying the snow.

Which reminded me that I need to pay the phone bill.

So I did nothing.

Okay, then I posted this.


Melanie Bettinelli said...

Yeah. My husband wonders why it is so hard for me to find a new pediatrician. Because that's exactly what happens to me every time I sit down to start the process. Nothing gets done.

mrsdarwin said...

You know it!

I had two hours last week without any children but a sleeping baby, and I got exactly one thing done.