Sunday, February 11, 2007

Sometimes I hate this

What is it about blogs that draw me in? I think I will be taking a break for a while. I've been composing an entry that I call "Skirting the Issue" about people who narrowly define what is "feminine." It is in response to this post and, to a lesser degree, this post, which includes the following comment from a reader:

It's important to also remember that the Tridentine does not allow disruptions such as the laity hand-shake/kissy face/hugging fiesta, nor does it have the holding hands Protestant innovation during the Our Father, no musical instruments other than the Organ, only sacred music or Gregorian chant and polyphony; no women on the altar, kneeling reverently to receive Blessed Sacrament only on the tongue, no talking in Church, only reverent dress, no slacks for women, etc. (emphasis mine)

I have become caught up with thinking about the issue of traditionalizing femininity, especially in a Catholic context, and I am frustrated that, for one thing, so many of the blogs I am reading voice this opinion in one way or the other. I have become inarticulate about the matter. Luckily I know that the Church in no way endorses the attitudes that these bloggers/serial commenters represent. Rather, they are viewing the theology narrowly, for their own ends, and defending/asserting their claims with narrow-minded arguments and persuasive techniques (the type I teach my Freshman to analyze, then to avoid). This is not my last word on the matter, but I don't want to spend the time and effort on the response right now, as I am tired from a long weekend of caring for a sick baby, and I don't think my blood pressure can stand the stress. What I object to most are the personal attacks and misrepresentation--after all, if I disagree slightly, I am the enemy--emblem of all they are fighting against. This has ceased to be fun for me right now.


Sarah Reinhard said...

A break sounds like it is in order, indeed! And I have found that it's best to find those blogs and places (online and in person) where you can be challenged but comfortable. There's no need to make yourself feel like you need to hibernate just because there are some LOUDly opinionated pscyho-people out there. (Eek, that wasn't INTENDED to be uncharitable, but it sure flirts with that...)

And hey, didn't Tridentine become just a flavor? Like, welcome to Vatican II, people?

Femininity's definitions have morphed, sadly, from what God intended. I can't believe that God intended for women to JUST do this or that. We all have roles and calls. It's not so definitive as the people on each extreme would have us believe.

Hence the need for prayer, prayer, prayer.

Looking forward to "seeing" you when you get "back."

chrisa511 said...

Ok, you had your break, now START BLOGGING AGAIN! I need some reading material ;)

Literacy-chic said...

Thanks Sarah & Chris! I really appreciate the thoughts & support! ;)