Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Diamine Inkvent Calendar Day 14

Two weeks into the Inkvent calendar (and the month of December) is Day 14, "Red Robin," a standard ink, with no shimmer or sheen. 

I found that I was able to write rather well with the dip pen--the ink seemed to cling to the nib rather well. I'm not entirely sure what the name for that quality of ink might be. The ink is a rust-red...

Rather reminiscent of the breast of an American Robin (at least the male, whose breast is a deeper color). This is perhaps not the intention, as the English robin is a different bird, and Diamine is an English ink. (The American Robin is not actually a true robin at all; it is related to the thrush, while a European robin is related to the flycatcher. In other news, I couldn't get past the first chapter of a book that melded Pride and Prejudice with dragons because it assumed that there were hummingbirds in England. There aren't.)

I was, perhaps unfortunately, reminded of a burger restaurant chain featuring bottomless french fries. Yum!

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