Saturday, December 4, 2021

Diamine Inkvent Calendar Day 4

So today is day 4, and we were able to open it earlier since neither of us is at work. Yay, Saturday! This one is called "Tempest," which suggests something bluish, and it is a shimmer ink.

It was fun to see how the glitter collected on one side of the bottle while it was in the calendar:

In fact, it turned out to be a blue-grey, befitting a tempest, though when more ink is applied, it appears almost grey-black. After the first strokes of the Pilot Parallel (which I use as a dip pen here), the color lightens considerably and more of the medium-blue color is apparent. The paintbrush is becoming my favorite tool for ink application; you can see how it, too, allows the true color.

The ink has a gold shimmer, which you see in the thin strokes in particular. 

Though it is not officially a sheening ink, there is a touch of red sheen with heavy application.

My Day 1 is looking a little lonely at the top... I need to go back and add some brush strokes or something!

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